• Victoria Grubbs
  • Dr. James Gordon Williams
  • The Trackslayer
  • Dr. Nganji

Hit2Hit: Battle of Celebrated Rwandan Music Producers Trackslayer and Dr. Nganji, a Documentary Screening and Discussion

Join Abolition Democracy Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Victoria Grubbs for a documentary screening of Hit2Hit: Battle of Celebrated Rwandan Music Producers Trackslayer and Dr. Nganji and a conversation with The Trackslayer and Dr. Nganji, two of Rwanda’s top music producers. The discussion aims to spark a broader dialogue about the function of popular music in a post-genocide context


Victoria Grubbs, Abolition Democracy Postdoctoral Fellow, Black Studies Collaboratory, Department of African American Studies, UC Berkeley 

Dr. James Gordon Williams, Assistant Professor of Music, UC Santa Cruz

The Trackslayer, Music Producer, Rwanda

Dr. Nganji, Music Producer, Rwanda