Sunday, Nov 18, 1979
Tapes from The Everson Video Revue: Documentaries
Admission Free
Several Minutes Of Several Days In The Hamptons
Some Scenes From Southern California
These video-landscapes by Ira Schneider offer scenes of beaches, farms, windblown flowers, the surf, birds - approaching the pastoral in tone and quality. Arranged as linear collage, the seemingly unrelated images provide a sense of intuitive sequel to one another, and give the effect of “real” time.
• By Ira Schneider. (1976, 15 mins each)
Sheridan Square
Pocket Video presents a day in the life of Sheridan Square, NYC. Actually, several days, shopkeepers, performers, musicians, strollers, and traffic are compressed into one day as the tape moves from early morning into the night.
• Post-Produced at the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, NYC, with the assistance of the Women's Interart Center, and Human Systems Institute. Production Assistants: Ann Volkes, June Mosca, Joyce Kobayashi, Barbara Goldberg, Ellen Pettit. (1977, 20 mins)
Shopping Bag Ladies
Joan Giummo and Elisabeth Sweetnam give voices/make visible the dispossessed Shopping Bag Ladies of NYC. In the midst of consumer madness, these women are invisible but for the empty sign of consumption - the shopping bag. With “verite” technique the tape portrays the independence and presence of women within a culture that normally reserves “bumming” for men.
• By Joan Giummo and Elisabeth Sweetnam. (1977, 45 mins)
Video 50 By Robert Wilson
See program notes for November 14
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