An intriguing new documentary on Welles’s multifaceted creative career is the inspiration for this series revisiting several of his landmark films.
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Restored 35mm Print
Aiming to restore Shakespeare’s tragedy to its roots in Scottish legend, Welles achieved an experimental fusion of the Bard and the B picture. “One of the director’s most personal creations” (Village Voice).
Digital Restoration
Welles embodies Shakespeare’s Falstaff in “a dark masterpiece, shot through with slapstick and sorrow” (Time Out). “Quite likely the greatest Shakespearean film ever” (Christian Science Monitor).
East Bay Premiere
The creator of the acclaimed The Story of Film: An Odyssey offers a provocative reexamination of Welles’s life, work, and visual imagination, and asks how he would have met the challenges of our contemporary era.
Digital Restoration
Welles, Rita Hayworth, and a deadly hall of mirrors feature in Welles’s brilliant take on the crime thriller. “Complex, courageous, and utterly compelling” (Time Out).
A childhood memory is the ultimate red herring in Welles’s audacious debut, which still tops many critics’ lists of the best films of all time.