Wednesday, Sep 19, 1979
At its 1976 London Film Festival Premiere, Ken Wlaschin noted of this extraordinary Hamlet, which recently premiered in New York at Joseph Papp's Public Cinema: “Coronado's highly original and absolutely fascinating film interpretation of Hamlet is based on both duality and dreams with nods to Freud and Jekyll & Hyde. The play has been pared down to its essential central story (65 minutes only) retaining Shakespeare's story and words but altering the presentation. Hamlet and his father are portrayed by twin brothers (Anthony and David Meyer) and all the happenings in Elsinore appear to be a tragic dream in a romantic timeless place. Helen Mirren is superb and credible as both Ophelia and Gertrud while Quentin Crisp is a delight as a foppish but observant Polonius. Despite its miniscule budget of 2,500 pounds and incredible shooting schedule of seven days, this is a most valuable addition to the Hamlet canon with photography, sets, and costumes just as effective as the acting. A remarkable achievement.”
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